Wednesday, July 19, 2006


We have been so busy with Vacation Bible School (Son Treasure Island). My wife, Gayle, goes all out in writing scripts, decorations, planning, practicing, etc. WHEW!!! We have had great fun and I couldn't be more pleased with the unity and fellowship of our church. There are men that have pastored their entire lives and have never had the opportunity to pastor such a great group of people as I do. If I were to describe the Matthews Church of God in one word it would be: 'LOVE'. The love and unity in our church is greater right now than I've ever seen it. The people genuinely love one another and look forward to fellowship. I preach to our people all the time that its not like this everywhere you go and that's why we have to work so hard to protect it. It doesn't take much to bring division and dissension into a church. There are churches that are hindered and bogged down because as few as eight people, (according to John Maxwell), have caused strife and have brought destruction. I have come to realize that if people aren't happy in a church the best thing they can do for themselves and that church is to either pray through or go somewhere else. The church is precious and I agree whole-heartedly with someone who recently signed our guestbook, "I love our church"!

We had our first softball team this year and it blessed me to see how the guys came together with a winning attitude and had such fun even though they had a losing season. We continue to see new people come into the church and the Lord has blessed us with people that have such great attitudes and talent.

The church is doing better now in every category than it ever has in its history and we give God all the praise, honor and glory!

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